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“Racism and discrimination are everywhere within our society… I’m tired of being afraid to address it.” 上网科学工具pc端下载 (via Denver Broncos S Kareem Jackson)

Minneapolis native Larry Fitzgerald shares his reactions on George Floyd's killing and the protests that have followed.

“You have to use your voice and you have to be part of the solution. I think it’s very important that our athletes have a voice, and they need to use it.” - Tony Dungy
📖: si.com/nfl/2024/06/04/tony-dungy-player-voices-george-floyd

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“Racism and discrimination are everywhere within our society… I’m tired of being afraid to address it.” #InspireChange (via Denver Broncos S Kareem Jackson)

Minneapolis native Larry Fitzgerald shares his reactions on George Floyd's killing and the protests that have followed.

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📖: si.com/nfl/2024/06/04/tony-dungy-player-voices-george-floyd

“The game is as safe as it’s ever been, but we have to continue to work towards making it safer.”
As we close out Mental Health Awareness Month, watch our award-winning documentary ‘Unashamed: Mental Health in Football,’ featuring former BYU Football quarterback...

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“The game is as safe as it’s ever been, but we have to continue to work towards making it safer.” As we close out #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth, watch our award-winning documentary ‘Unashamed,’ featuring former @BYUfootball quarterback @tannermangum. ▶️: http://t.co/wtuLQH7Txo613
#FastForward to football season by filling in the blank: The next city to get an #NFL expansion team will be _________. 🏙️: http://t.co/yWEGiRsYwX10
“In order to be successful, you have to be able to deal with tough times. You’ve got to be able to get back up after being knocked down.” Former @OhioStateFB running back Archie Griffin believes adversity and failure can help you be your very best in life. #UnitedWeFan610
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Alex Charlton Explains Why Coaching Is on Pause
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Women's History Month: Changing the Game
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“For me, every single Saturday, that’s what you tuned in to. There was never even a thought in my mind that one day I would be able to be a part of such a legendary show or team of people.” . @collegegameday has almost been on the air longer than @mariataylor has been alive. Her passion, along with the rest of the team, is what makes the show such an integral part of every Saturday during college football.

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NFL to stencil ‘End Racism’ on end zone borders as part of social justice rollout for kickoff week
EIU football runs 7,000 miles to raise awareness
July 24, 2024
Jamal Adams dedicates season to HS football player and Seahawks fan who died of cancer
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BYU Football to Participate in ‘3Day’ To Break Stigma of Mental Health
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From the NFL to Hollywood: How football shaped John David Washington into the breakout movie star of ‘Tenet’
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Growing up, ex-UK player ‘didn’t like the police at all.’ Now, he’s a police chief.
Lexington Herald-Leader
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